10th-12th grade

3 Experience levels

14-45 Days

Delivering an amazing wilderness adventure takes exceptional planning, expert guidance and careful matching of trip demands to the age and experience level of each participant. Our Outpost wilderness trip options offer canoeing, backpacking and sea kayaking in intermediate, advanced and expeditionary levels. Trip duration, travel distance and physical demands grow with every year of participation with the Outpost participant growing right along with each new experience.

level trips

10th Grade

Though this is the Introductory level to the Outpost track, it is not an introductory wilderness tripping experience. Meant to build upon skills, knowledge and trip duration from the Far North Summer Camp Trail excursions, an invitation or interview will be required for enrollment.


Level Trips

11th - 12th Grade

Advanced Outpost trips build on your previous Manito-wish Outpost or equivalent trips. By the end of your Advanced Outpost Trip, you will be an accomplished canoeist, backpacker or kayaker, a wilderness camping expert, and a more aware and effective leader.



Level Trips

12th Grade +

Expeditionary canoeing, backpacking and sea kayaking trips are the culmination of the Outpost Program. These expeditionary trips are for those who seek extensive skill development and a collaborative leadership experience in remote and possibly extreme conditions.



Outpost Overview

When you’re on Trail in Outpost, you are on the front lines of all the incredible beauty, wonder and challenge nature can bring your way.

Mountain air
Reading maps - preparing for trail
Picking blueberries on an Outpost backpack trip
Wilderness adventure in a kayak

Outpost Trail Life

Life on the Trail is a life without frills. You embark on a journey that’s one part spectacular, one part spiritual and one (or more) parts physically and mentally demanding.

Is your child ready for a wilderness trip with camp manito-wish YMCA?

Outpost Meals

Whether you’re portaging through swampy terrain or paddling through whitewater rapids, the challenges of the trail, both physical and mental, are numerous and constant. Providing high-nutrition, high-energy meals is a vital part of the Outpost experience.

Birthday cake on Trail
Trail food is delicious
Beautiful boathouse view

The Manito-wish Experience

For over a century, we’ve developed deep traditions and a thoughtful philosophy designed to enrich camp life, facilitate character development, and create connection.

Financial Information

Camp Manito-wish YMCA enjoys a strong history and commitment to providing an outstanding Manito-wish experience to all who want to participate. Our fee structure, payment plan options and Campership program are in place to make this happen, by striving to make our programs affordable for everyone.

Nash Lodge fire place