Health Center Services

At Camp Manito-wish YMCA, our participants’ health, safety and well-being are our top priority.

While programming is in session, the Health Center is staffed 24 hours a day by registered nurses and support staff.

Mental, Emotional, and Social Health (MESH) Support

Our MESH initiative is in conjunction with the Association for Camp Nursing and curriculum via the American Camps Association.

Welcome back to Camp! Campers coming in from their canoe camping trip.
All smiles out on Trail
Learning to set up a tent

Keeping Your Child Safe

Our team is trained in comprehensive and innovative practices around child safety to help ensure your children are safe in our care.

Code of Conduct

Each camper is expected to treat all other campers with respect and to help each other achieve the best possible Camp experience.

Memories with friends
Sunrise on the waterfront

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Camp Manito-wish YMCA takes the health and safety of its staff and participants seriously.