5 Courses
Manito-wish Staff & General Public
The one constant in nature is that nature is never constant. Shifting terrain, changing weather and chance encounters with wildlife can turn hazardous without the proper skills, knowledge and preparation. Camp Manito-wish YMCA Outdoor Leadership School partners with some of the most respected national leaders in wilderness safety to provide a comprehensive array of training opportunities, from leadership to first aid to water safety. Be ready for anything, with exceptional training and certification.
Manito-wish staff members receive a reduced fee for all courses. These courses are open to the general public as well.
Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Recertification
First Responder (WFR)
First AID (WFA)
Wilderness Water
Safety (WWS)
Wilderness Water
Safety (wws) recertification
In Person Certification Requirement
Starting in 2025 we will no longer accept fully virtual Wilderness First Responder, Wilderness First Aid, or CPR certifications or re-certifications, such as those offered through Survival Med Online. We will continue to accept hybrid certifications and re-certifications such as those offered through NOLS and WMA. We recognize that coordinating travel to receive certification training can be difficult in the midst of other obligations, but we strongly believe in the importance of in-person wilderness medical instruction to ensure that our trip leaders are fully prepared to respond to emergencies in the remote settings where we send our trips. If you are still pursuing your certification for Camp this summer we strongly encourage an in-person training and we still have space in our Outdoor Leadership Course offerings at Camp this summer. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns!