Annual Fund Drive
This annual event raises money to allow the expansion and enrichment of current programs, staff training, underwrite program equipment, and provides for Camp’s greatest budgetary needs, which includes Camperships, our financial assistance program.
Endowment Fund
The Camp Manito-wish YMCA Endowment Fund is applied to a variety of worthy Manito-wish causes, from the greatest needs and camper financial need to facility maintenance, programming, and staffing needs.
Gifts of $10,000 or more to the Manito-wish Endowment Fund qualify as a named gift. These gifts provide a lasting and very fitting recognition for you or someone special to you.
The Board of Directors of Camp Manito-wish YMCA has overall responsibility for managing these funds, including preservation, growth, and use. Investment of these gifts are held at a brokerage firm and overseen by the Investment Committee of the Board.

Fires of Friendship Circle
Families and individuals who have made a planned gift to Camp Manito-wish YMCA, who have listed Manito-wish in their estate plans, or who have made an outright gift of $10,000 or more, are part of the Fires of Friendship Circle.
More than 450 people, who all share the same sense of connection that comes from knowing their influence and values will last beyond their lifetimes, are already part of the Circle. Members of the Fires of Friendship Circle are recognized in a variety of ways, including: Recognition in the Annual Report, recognition at Camp on our donor wall, and an invitation to a special Fires of Friendship dinner each year.
To discuss any of our giving options, please contact Jeff Pereles or Megan Holmes.
Restricted Gifts
These gifts are used to support special projects or programs at Camp Manito-wish YMCA.
In-Kind Contributions
These contributions can provide for program supplies, vehicles, equipment, services, tools, and other items needed at Camp. Please contact Camp to discuss our current needs.
Tribute Gifts
Tribute gifts are given in honor of a special individual, occasion, or accomplishment. A memorial gift is in remembrance of a family member or friend. These gifts recognize both the donor and family of those honored/remembered.