Dates: May 24-27, 2024

Age: All Ages

Fees: No charge. A voluntary contribution is appreciated to offset food costs.

Registration Deadline: May 5, 2024

All volunteer registrants include lodging, meals, program areas and activities.

What to Expect

Our Memorial Day Work Weekend is the traditional kick-off to our summer season. Each year 100-200 cherished volunteers share their time, talents, and labor to help open Camp for summer sessions. Many volunteer hands make for light work, which means when the work is done there is more time for canoeing, kayaking, sailing, tennis, hiking, or just relaxing.

Opening weekend work activities may include: Raking leaves, moving canoes, pulling weeds, cleaning program buildings, pier installation, clearing roof tops, stuffing binders, laying mulch, splitting firewood, and other necessary tasks.

Sample Schedule

5pm – Check-In
5:30pm – Dinner in Nash Lodge

8am - Breakfast
9am-10:30am - Projects
10:30am – Break
10:45am-12:30pm - Projects
12:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm-3pm: Projects
3pm-5pm - Boat House open
6pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Camp Fire

7:30am - Chapel
8am - Breakfast
9am-10:30am - Projects
10:30am – Break
10:45am-12:30pm - Projects
12:30pm - Lunch
3pm-5pm - Pier open and Maple Syrup Cup (Tennis)
6pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Camp Show

8am – Breakfast

What to Bring

Thank you for volunteering your time at Memorial Day Work Weekend.
Here are some suggested items to bring with you and your family.