Our programs are highly customizable and can be focused on the following outcomes:

Personal Awareness

Community Awareness

Decision Making and Problem Solving

Collaborative Skills

Goals as determined by the mission of you, our partner

More specifically, each program can be designed with a progression of activities that follow this example model:

Introduction Activities

A series of basic interactive games and experiences that introduce the overall program and allow students to have fun as a community. Many of these activities can be silly, fun games focusing on names, personal introductions, and general community standards.

Stage Setting Activities

In this part of the progression, Manito-wish introduces key skills and language. Activities range from:

  • Fun awareness games that allow participants to view the world from different vantage points.
  • Activities focused on the challenges of trust and related realities of communities and personal interactions.
  • A series of activities that explores styles of interaction in groups and personal comfort zones.

Application, Simulation, Problem Solving Activities

This phase of the experience allows participants to test and put into practice information and new levels of awareness in a group setting.

Reflection and Transfer

These activities help participants give meaning to their experiences in order to ensure lasting change back at school. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Small group discussions, processing, and problem solving around specific challenges.
  • Experiences on the Low and High Challenge Course that break down boundaries and allow people to step forward to lend support and take on additional risks and challenges.
  • Reflection activities using: Writing, arts and crafts, mindfulness experiences, discussion on additional post trip projects, and/or “Boundary Breaking” and other community awareness experiences.

Closing Activities

Specific activities will close the experience and focus on transition back home and back to school. This also sets the stage for further responsibilities, projects and assignments after the Manito-wish experience.