We know it is important for you to know how your child is doing while away. We always say here at Camp, “No news is good news”, but here are some ways to say connected while they are gone.

Letters or Care Packages:

Please address your letters as follows:

Camper Name, Camper Cabin Name
Camp Manito-wish YMCA
PO Box 246 (for UPS and FedEx packages use 5650 Camp Manito-wish Lane)
Boulder Junction, WI 54512

Camp-O-Grams (emails):

  • During sessions, there will be a link on our home page for the Camp-O-Gram Our email program is one-way from the sender to camper.
  • We will print Camp-O-Grams daily and deliver them with cabin mail (Monday-Saturday). Camp-O-Grams sent after 10:00am will be delivered the next day.
  • This service is offered free of charge. Donations to help offset the cost of printing and distributing the Camp-O-Grams are greatly appreciated and can be noted on your invoice payment.


  • During sessions, there will be a link on our home page for Camp’s SmugMug This is a password protected account and the password will be shared with families prior to the start of Camp and Outpost Trips.
  • Camp posts pictures on SmugMug approximately every other day. Campers are constantly in motion, and are off camp property during their wilderness trips, therefore, beyond the cabin pictures, we cannot guarantee you will see your child through this venue.

Facebook and Instagram:

  • Follow our Facebook and/or Instagram. Select photos are posted regularly throughout the summer. For full photos galleries, be sure to check out our SmugMug.

Helpful Communication Tips:

Remember that one of the reasons your camper is at Camp Manito-wish YMCA is to build independence and confidence. While on Trail, all communications will be held and then delivered upon returning from their trip.


  • Be positive and encouraging.
  • Ask a specific question about their experience - maybe they will write you back!
  • What lake did you go to on Trail?
  • What has been your favorite food so far?
  • Tell me about your cabin mates and counselor.
  • Help alleviate homesickness by focusing on what they are doing here at camp, not on dwelling on how much you miss them. It is much more important for them to know that you are proud of them for going to camp!
  • Include a picture(s)
  • Share something you learned while your camper was at Camp
  • Make a small puzzle or word search for them to complete
  • Campers will not have access to phone or computers while at Camp, so encourage them to write letters home so you can hear all about their experiences.


  • We print and distribute hundreds of Camp-o-Grams every day. Please treat these as you would any other type of letter and combine all communication into one email for your camper.
  • For siblings at camp, be sure to send separate emails.
  • We cannot guarantee delivery of your Camp-O-Grams on Closing Day.

Care packages:

  • We do not allow food items for campers unless specifically approved by Camp. If there is food or candy sent to your camper, we will keep it safe and you can pick it up at the end of the session. We have campers and staff that have allergies to certain ingredients and food can attract unwanted insects and animals in the cabin.
  • Care packages are a great opportunity to send activities and games the cabin can do together. Card games, games, toys, books, stickers, tattoos and puzzles are great care package inserts.
  • Please avoid popular magazines and items of that nature. Our goal is for campers and participants to also disconnect while at camp.