Physical Exam Policy:
- All Summer Camp and Outpost participants must have a physical exam within 18 months of their session start date.
- If your child has a history of Anaphylaxis, Asthma, or has been diagnosed with other severe medical concerns (such as diabetes or seizure disorders), you must contact Camp as soon as possible to discuss your camper’s history and treatment.
- If your Physician recommends/prescribes your child to use medication like a Peak Flow Meter, please include it with the inhaler for proper monitoring while at Camp.
Medical Forms:
- All campers and staff are required to have current, completed CampDoc profile and Physical Examination form on file four weeks prior to Camp start. If you require assistance, please contact Karen Christopherson and one of our registered nurses.
Camp Manito-wish YMCA requires all campers and staff to comply with the State of Wisconsin’s immunization requirements for school entry or to complete an immunization waiver based on religious or philosophical exemption prior to their camp experience.
Medical Care:
Should your child need any additional medical care:
- Our Health Center is staffed by certified medical staff.
- A clinic and hospital are located approximately 25 minutes from Camp.
- Parents will be notified when their camper receives medical treatment through a hospital or clinic, stays overnight in the Health Center, or is evacuated from trail for medical reasons.
All medications and/or prescriptions should be packed in your camper's carry-on or backpack so they are accessible during Health Center check-in on Opening Day. Any unused prescriptions will be returned to the camper on the morning of Closing Day.
- Only send over-the-counter (OTC) medications with your camper if they take them regularly. OTC meds will only be administered per package instructions and the medication must be FDA approved.
- Any medication that does not meet these requirements (including herbal supplements, different doses or frequency, etc.) require a physician’s order. An order must include name of medication, dose, route, frequency and indication for use.
- We have over-the-counter medications which will be provided to campers and staff as needed under our procedures for health care provided by our consulting physician.
- Expired medication will not be given and we will contact you if we receive expired medications.
- We recommend that any child who has been prescribed an inhaler bring it with them to camp even if they have not used one recently. Many children may not use an inhaler in their everyday activities, but we find many have an increased need for their inhaler during camp.
- We also accept age appropriate doses of multi-vitamins, melatonin, probiotics, calcium, and vitamin D. Please be mindful of age requirements as many medications and supplements are not recommended for children under the age of 12 and will not be administered.
Only those prescription medications prescribed by a physician will be administered.
- All medications must be in the original pharmacy container.
- The correct name, date, and instructions must be on the bottle.
- We will NOT administer medication that is improperly labeled or not prescribed by a physician.
Prescribed allergy medications such as hay fever injections:
- Must have specific written instructions from the camper’s own physician.
- Because a doctor must give all inject ions, campers will be taken to the doctor for such treatment.
- Parents will be responsible for the expense of these injections.